This weekend I had the privilege of hanging out all weekend with my 6th grade small group I lead at Walking Wisely Weekend. This retreat is unique to most retreats because you stay in the local area at host homes of parents or other volunteers. (your church might host a similar event called like DNOW.). This event required TONS of transportation so each parent of the student would drive at shift or two. This gave my co leader Ben and my self tons of time to really get to know the parents and they got to know us.

So, after explaining my college plans that I still really don't know yet a few hundred times :) I had the chance to talk to them about serving in Transit (middle school ministry) as well as my upcoming South Africa Mission trip. Every time I would talk about these things this phrase kept coming up "its amazing the passion you seem to have for this." And its true, I love being involved in Transit every Sunday morning, its one of the highlights of my week, and I just like can't begin to describe how amazing I feel this trip is going to be, where we will get to work with kids and students on the other side of the world. I truly feel that is my passion right now in service, and thus I love to serve. Where is that for you. If you volunteer and it continually seems like a burden, not to say there wont be ups and downs, but thats probably not where your passionate. Everyone has had that warm feeling inside from helping somewhere. Maybe its church, maybe its rescuing puppies, working with the homeless, helping sick people, old people, anything.

There are a million things where you can be valued, my challenge is to find that "passion to serve" for you and find out where that is for you. This is how we will help change the world for the better.

BTWs: Appreciate the Shout Out Ben Nunes (my Transit Co leader)-  go to and check out his awesome blog. 
Also, If you feel a passion for Middle school students and wanna check out Transit lemme know. Its AMAZING!

3/1/2011 12:09:03 pm

Man, you're all kinds of awesome.


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